You and your crazy foods XD
You and your crazy foods XD
:) I know... I might have an addiction
friggin' adorbs
Thank you <3
Dos whiskers ~(^3^)~
Great job, love the messiness and colors.
Hahah! Thanks! Would you believe I did this in an all-nighter? x)
Eh, it's more pomegranates (to me at least).
Well done, good sir. Well done.
pee oh em eee gii are aii in aii tee eee ess
You must find the cinnamon toast crunch commercials amusing.
Yum, blueberry guts.
I do :)
This is amazing! (^u^)
you're amazing
Thank you so much :3
you're a genius
i wanna have your babies
so i can eat them
I want to eat my babies too :)
Your style is so amazing! I love the textures and relatively simple character design!
I could stare at it all day ~(*^*)~
Thank you so much ^^
Joined on 6/10/14